Latest Episodes

New Mexican fiddlers and players
Cleofes Ortiz Fiddlers from Northern New Mexico are all but gone. We’ll spend some time talking with Ken Keppeler and Jeanie McLerie about Cleofes...

Honoring Pedro Dimas
Don Pedro Dimas El Maestro, the dean of Purepecha fiddlers, passed last week, and we’ll spend some time listening to his music and telling...

Voice Works 2015 and a chat with The Bobs
The Bobs! How they started, how they got their name, and a chat with Matthew Stull, founding member and selections from a Voice Works...

Voice Works 2015 and a Chat with Cathy Jordan
A chat with Cathy Jordan, lead singer with Dervish, and how Reeb Willms came to know her. And selections from a Voice Works concert...

Remembering John Morton
Alas, John passed way too soon, on January 2. We'll take an (inadequate) listen to some of the music John loved, vintage jazz, choro,...

Songs About Drinking
Songs About Drinking (and other mood-altering substances), wishes for 2021, and a conversation with Caleb Klauder and Reeb Willms about what it was like...