A chat with Cathy Jordan, lead singer with Dervish, and how Reeb Willms came to know her. And selections from a Voice Works concert in 2015.
A look back at Christine Balfa’s triangle record;
Cedric Watson;
The Peña-Govea Family – Miguel, Susan, Rene, and Cecilia – with a corrido and a polka;
Joel Savoy, Kelli Jones, Reeb Willms, Caleb Klauder;
Cathy Jordan herself, with Mark Simos and Moira Smiley;
If you can’t hear it live - most Crackin the Vault shows will be available on the Centrum podcast channel:
Thanks for listening, have fun!
Host Peter McCracken takes you on a journey of music and history, exploring the music and lives of Black string band duo Joe and...
Cleofes Ortiz Fiddlers from Northern New Mexico are all but gone. We’ll spend some time talking with Ken Keppeler and Jeanie McLerie about Cleofes...
Singers of Note Singers from many Centrum programs, lots of duets, including: The Brain Marshall Family Band, Laurel Bliss and Cliff Perry Jody Stecher...