A listen to some of the folks who were at the 11th Festival of American Fiddle Tunes, and a conversation with Judy Hyman and Jeff Claus. The festival was curated and managed by David Romtvedt that year.
Most Crackin the Vault shows will be available on the Centrum podcast channel:
Thanks for listening, have fun!
In honor of Fiddle Tunes, the festival which is missing from Fort Worden for the first time in 44 years, Peter's going to jam...
This episode features "axes of evil", meaning accordians, bagpipes, and banjos. All from Centrum. For your listening "pleasure".
Featuring: Patti Kusturok, Lawrence Teddy Boy Houle, James Cheechoo, John Arcand, Trimble Gilbert, Calvin Vollrath, Clinton Pelletier, and more… We’ll talk with Jamie about...