If you like country blues, this is your meat. Selections from all 12 faculty members, including six National Heritage Fellows.
Lagniappe of the week: attached is an example of Howard Armstrong’s handwriting.
Most Crackin the Vault shows will be available on the Centrum podcast channel:
Thanks for listening, have fun!
French speaking Black people from Southwest Louisiana Featuring: Amede Ardoin, his cousin Bois Sec Ardoin, Canray Fontenot, Edward Poullard, Cedric Watson (his birthday today!),...
Strange and Wondrous Gigs Gregg Miller and The Lips go head-to-head with the Mafia, and…? George Rezendes’ Dream Gig comes true, but how? Del...
Remembering John Dee Holeman who passed last week at the age of 92 Never before heard cuts from John Dee at a house party...