Strange and Wondrous Gigs
Gregg Miller and The Lips go head-to-head with the Mafia, and…?
George Rezendes’ Dream Gig comes true, but how?
Del Rey – the good, the bad, and the ugly, from Amsterdam to Texas
The Original Foghorn String band represents all of American music - in Borneo!
… and some pickin’ from Jerry Ricks
If you can’t hear it live - most Crackin the Vault shows will be available on the Centrum podcast channel:
Thanks for listening, have fun!
Cleofes Ortiz Fiddlers from Northern New Mexico are all but gone. We’ll spend some time talking with Ken Keppeler and Jeanie McLerie about Cleofes...
This episode features "axes of evil", meaning accordians, bagpipes, and banjos. All from Centrum. For your listening "pleasure".
Klezmer Music, Thoughts from Alicia Svigals about celebrating Hanukkah, Seven-Day Weddings, and Inviting Itzhak Perlman to Fiddle Tunes With: Alicia Svigals, Patrick Farrell, Lauren...